Doctors are not Gods because...
I am posting this blog on the occassion of Doctors Day THE IDEAL I became a doctor because my father was a doctor. It had nothing to do with genetics or family tradition or any of the other rigmarole It was plain and simple because my father was my ideal. He was a graduate from among the oldest medical institute in the country, the King George Medical College, Lucknow in the year 1935 He joined the Jaipur State medical service and used to receive Rs 35 as salary in the form of silver coins, the jharshashi rupaiya I watched him as I grew and this is what I recollect, and adore His patients loved him. There was a deep sense of gratitude in every patient he had treated and cured. As a result it was not infrequent for these poor village folk to bring fruits and vegetables and other farm products as gifts, whatever they produced, whatever they could afford. They derived genuine pleasure from giving, and I could sense the satisfaction of achievement on the one hand and the unqualified grati...