In his latest episode of Satyam jayate Aamir Khan raised the issue of healthcare management and related issues. The first issue was of unwarranted and improper surgery. There was a time when doctors were deemed Gods. Then came the Consumer protection Act and a whole lot of bitterness crept in. The legal system forced doctors to understand ‘acts of omission’ (not doing what needed to be done) and ‘acts of commission’ (doing wrongly what was done).It was emphasized that acts of omission were more easily upheld, and hence more punishable. I believe that is why the swing was towards avoiding being sued for not doing the needed, resulting in a surge of investigations and aggressive management, even surgery. This is not purported as justification, just my cause and effect analysis. Take it or leave it. Then there was the issue of unwarranted hysterectomies. There can be no justification for this whatsoever, but here is another scenario. Increasingly, would be parents and expectant moth...