A gang rape in the capital, brutal attack on a boy and girl,
the press all aghast and alert, the people up in arms.
A rape or gang rape is nothing new but such brutalization
is.Then every form of protest, and action and punishment seems justified.
Why a rape? Many years ago, while speaking on promiscuity in
love, I came across G B Shaw’s view that there can be only one true love at a time.
What was more pertinent was that for him sex was a primitive reflex, an animal
instinct which need not be confined morally to one, as in marriage.
Like me, many would beg to differ. To me sex is, and ought to be, the
epitome of a truly divine experience in love, the spark at the end of an
ecstatic journey in man-woman relationship. It is when we perceive sex as a
reflex or instinct that 'rape' takes shape as the culmination of an
uncontrollable urge which cannot be stalled. It still does not justify, for at
the other end of this reflex urge is another human being with the same feeling
and passion, and the person may not be so 'reflexly' receptive or inclined at
that time, or any time. There are so many natural basic urges and reflexes that
we have to curb like hunger and thirst, to relieve, and we do, even though they
are self -fulfilling. So must this, even though this too can be self –satiable.
Shakespeare had written that ‘love is not love that alters as it alteration finds’ for we ‘cannot sip every flower and change
every hour as our fancy may dictate’ There are so many females and we cannot
possibly bed all of them , and not just because they don’t want it, but also
because the society has established the norms of relationships, and introduced
the concept of incest, Now if we avoid sexual acts with some females due to
social restrictions , by and large, why not all of them, without their consent and
willingness. Is this so hard to understand for everyone, the educated and
uneducated alike, the civilized and not so civilized, those with ‘sanskar’
and those without.
How can we get this to percolate to each and every human
being? Is it so difficult or impossible or inconceivable?
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